Here are the 5 most useful Visual Studio Code extensions to improve your workflow!
1. Gitlens
Gitlens is a powerful extension that can display when a particular line was committed, by whom it was committed, and in which pull request it was included along with the commit message! All of this information is inline with the line upon which your cursor is currently located.
You can also hover over the message to get more information about a particular line of code!
2. LiveServer
Live server is used Launch a local development server with a live reload feature for static & dynamic pages.
3. Prettier
Prettier is an opinionated code formatter. It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and re-printing it with rules that take the maximum line length into account, wrapping code when necessary.
4. Auto Rename Tag
It is an extension created for HTML elements that change the ending of a tag automatically. Start changing an opening tag and its closing tag will change automatically. This is very useful, especially when you have a lot of nested code.
5. ES7 React/Redux/GraphQl/React-Native snippets
This extension provides you with JavaScript and React/Redux snippets in ES7, If you are not a great fan of writing boilerplate code or you’d just want to become more efficient – this is definitely for you.